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M-Phil (Social Works)

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Course Overview

M-Phil (Social Works)
Paper I Research Methodology
Paper- II
Teaching Techniques / Pedagogical Methods in Social Work.
UNIT – I Higher Education and Learning
Objective and Role of Higher Education National Policy Learning and Learning
Hierarchy … Information Processing … learning Events and Outcome …Motivation
UNTI –II Teaching Technology: Designs
Teaching Technology: concept and scope …. Instructional Designs: Objective based,
Skill, Competency based, Learning style based and Model based.
UNIT –III Methods and Techniques of Teaching
Large Group Techniques: Lecture Modified Lecture, Seminar, Symposium,
panel Discussion, Team Teaching, project Approach and Workshop …. Small Group
Techniques: Group Discussion, Simulation, Role Playing, Buzz Technique, Brain
Storming, Case Discussion and Assignment …. Systems Approach in Education.
UNIT – IV Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Education Evaluation: A Conceptual Framework … Methods of Evaluation… Self
Evaluation and Student Evaluation in Higher Education …. Question Banking
….Diagnostic Testing and Remedial Teaching.
UNIT – V Electronic Media in Education
Instructional Media: Concept, Selection, Use and Varity … e- Learning
Resources, e-Learning, e-books, e-journals, etc….. Web based Learning Access and
teaching Issues
Community Development
UNIT-1 Rural Development- concept, problem and issues
Rural Community- rural urban differences and continuum- types of Indian Village
community concept and need of rural community development- approaches of rural
development. Spatial planning approach- multipurpose approach, integrated development
approach area development approach- multi level district planning, target sector
approach- illiteracy- poverty- unemployment, underemployment, seasonal
communal conflicts- political issues- infrastructural issues- impact of
UNIT- II Rural Community Development Administration
Organizational set up and administration from national to block level- Central rural
development ministry and community development agencies and district level rural
development agencies and district planning authorities- functions of block development
officer and extension officer-role of voluntary agencies in rural community development
UNIT- III Concept and Problems of Urban Community
Definition, Classification, characteristics and theories of urbanization, SLUM:
definition,theories causes and characteristics, housing, Deviant behavior, corruption,
prostitution,beggary, sanitation, healthy congestion, pollution
History of urban local self government in India form of urban local self
government,organizational structure and functions. Problems of municipal administration
in India.Process of organizing the communities. New trends in popular participation in
Development. Relevance of social work practice
UNIT-V Rural and urban Community development programmes
Rural Development Programme
A very brief idea on IRDP, ITDP, TRYSEM, DWACRA- In depth study on Centre and
State current programmes
Urban Development programmes
Urban development policies; Town Planning and Related Legislations; Town planning
Acts; Land Acquisition Act, programmers: A very Brief idea on IUDP. UBS; In- Depth
study on recent programmes: Swarna Jayathi Shahari Rozgar Yozna; Development of
women and Children in Urban Areas; Urban Self- Employment Scheme; National Slum
Development Programmes; Urban Wage Employment Programmes.
Disaster Management
Disaster- meaning, concept- natural Disaster- floods, famine, earthquake, draught, forest
fires , coastal hazards and landslides
Manmade Disaster- Chemical and Industrial Accidents, Accidental explosions, Bomb
Blast, nuclear disasters, pollutions
Factors influencing natural and manmade disaster-political, economic, social,
cultural,ideological, Ecological institutional, scientific and technological. Disasters and
Development- causes and consequences
Disaster management- Control plan Emergency preparedness, Disaster management
cycle – Post disaster review, results of exercises, prevention, mitigation,
prepadness.Intervention of State in Disaster
Role of Voluntary organization in Disaster management, Social Work Intervention in
Disaster resource mobilization, working with other professionals
Child Welfare
I. Demographic profile of children in India, status of children in India and
Tamilnadu, Gender differences in child rearing and Socializations, status of
Girl children in India, Influence of family, peer neighborhood, reference
group in the process of Socializations.
II. Health Nutritional status and Needs of children:
Health services, ICDS,MCH, School Health, Various types of health
intervention, Education status and needs of Children, Problems in Education,
Universal primary education, SSA, transit schools. School Social work,
objectives and activities.
III. Children in difficult situations destitute, abandoned children Juvenile
Delinquent, child trafficking, child abuse, street children Child labour, Child
Abuse, Children of sex workers children of prisoners, children living with HIV/AIDS
Physically challenged, Mentally Challenged and emotionally challenged children.
IV. Institutional and Non – Institutional services- foster care and adoption,
Juvenile justice systems, child trafficking interventions, child labor
Intervention and programmes, role of Govt. Non Govt agencies in retrieving
and rehabilitation of children in difficult situation.
V. Constitutional Safeguards, National Polices for the children, U.N Charter of
Children’s rights, National and International agencies for child welfare, laws relating to
child welfare, child rights advocacy, state and central Govt.
programmes for children in India.
Human Resources Management
I HRM- Concept, meaning and evolution of HRM and HRD.
HR- Challenges and opportunities, HR- polices, procedures and programmes-H.R.
policies, procedures and programmes- H.R Planning, recruitment,selection, placement,
psychometric tests, employee attrition and retention,career planning and development.
II Compensation Management- wage and salary Administration, current trends in
Compensation Management .Training and Development- policy, training need analysis,
designing,conduction and evaluation of training. Competency mapping,
multiskilling,Knowledge management, redundancy management.
III Performance Appraisal and potential appraisal, performance counseling,
performance management, employee motivation, grievance handling health
and safety management- Quality at work life. Employee separation, HR Audit and HR
IV Management of Change: process of managing organizational change,
managing resistance to change, strategies and guidelines for imparting change approaches
to planned change- process of organizational development,designing intervention,
measuring and evaluating intervention. Team building- conflict managementrestructuring organization- employee
V Corporate Social responsibility- concept- need, importance, CSR in Indian
Context and in Global Scenario, corporate community participation, role and
skills of social policies and activities, CSR Standards and norms, case of
successful CSR initiatives.
Medical Social work.
UNIT-I: Emerging of Medical Social Work
Medical sociology –meaning and definition- Relationship of sociology to medicine –
Historical development of medical social work in the west and in India. Meek and scope
of medical social India. Social work perspective on health.
UNIT-II: Concept of Health
Health: Definition –Changing concept of health- Indicators of health – Methods of
Assessing health status- public health and community medicine –Public health
programmes in India – Legislation and Policies regarding health in India. Preventive and
social medicine – Levels of prevention. Health and law.
UNIT-III: Medical Social Work in Hospitals
Organization and administration of medical social work department in hospitals –Medical
Social Work in relation to different disciplines in hospitals – Teamwork in hospitalsPatients right in health care. Social work practice in health care: The helping process on
going phase and Ending phase.
UNIT- IV: Communicable and Non Communicable Disease
Epidemiology of communicable diseases: communicable diseases- Transmission of
Infectious agents- Control measures. The Psycho Social Problems and the role of medical
social worker in dealing patients with communicable disease:
TUBERCULOSISLeprosy,STD, AIDS, and Poliomyelitis. Non communicable diseasemeaning-Epidemiology – The Psycho Social Problems and the role of medical social
worker in
dealing patients with non communicable disease: Cancer- Cardiovascular
disease,Psychosomatic diseases, Hypertension, Asthma, diabetes, Physically Challenged.
UNIT- V : Role of Medical Social Worker in different settings
Medical Social Work practice in different settings- hospitals, out patient
department,emergency, Special Clinics, Hospice and Rehabilitation Centre. Problems
encountered by medical social workers in the field. Health Education: Definitions and
concepts- Role and need of health education- objectives of health education – planning of
Health EducationLevels of health education Importance of School health education.
Mental Health
Concept and meaning – Statistical, Psychological and cultural approaches – mental
illness and mental health – manifestation of mental health –mental health and adjustment,
frustration and conflicts –Characteristics of a mentally health individualidentification of a
mentally unhealthy individual – relevance of Defense mechanisms to mental health –
Different types of mental illness.
The development of personality and emotional disturbance during oral period, anal
period, genital period, latent period and adolescence – Emotional problem in work and
marriage during adulthood – emotional maturity.
Need and Scope of social work methods in the mental health programmes. Application of
social casework – group work – community organization –problems and prospects of this
primary methods in the mental health in India.
Definition – characteristics of counselling- Evolution of counselling. Foundations of
counselling – philosophical foundations-Sociological foundation- psychological
foundations. Counselling as a process: Outcome Goals of Counselling – stages of the
counselling process. Counselling theories: psychodynamic counselling. (Sigmund Freud
and Alfred Adler.) Humanistic Counselling: person centered counselling (Carl Rogers)-
Transactional Analysis (Eric Berne) – Behavioral Counselling – rational Emotive
behavioral counselling (Albert Ellis). Eclectic and Integrative counselling: Multimodal
counselling: (Arnold Lazarus)
The Mental Hygiene movement – Scope of community-Mental health- primary
prevention-community mental health education- community mental health programmes
in India- Mental Health Act- Forensic psychiatry.
NGO Management
NGO; Meaning and its functions, types of NGO’s- History and Philosophy of Voluntary
Organizations in India. Procedure to start an NGO, various acts governing NGO’s Code
of Ethics of NGO’s
NGO administration, and Fund raising methods. Planning organizing, Staffing,
Training,Coordinating, Monitoring, Evaluation and public Relations.
Role of Ngo in State, national, International development- Health, poverty
alleviation,awareness generation, research and policy advocacy- current status of NGO in
India and abroad – need for enlighting NGO- interaction between educational institutions
and NGO’s – relevance of social work profession.
Strategies and Approaches of NGO’s in Rural, Urban, Tribal and other settings. Role of
Social workers in NGO’s- administration, monitoring and evaluation of programs.
Networking of NGO’s- project writing, report writing, accounts managements- training
of youth in NGO- project evaluation- problem faced by NGO.
Youth Welfare
UNIT-1 Youth:
Definition types of youth. Youth in India – Youth welfare. Need and Importance .Social
work for the empowerment of Youth . Role of Social Workers in Youth welfare.
The values and life styles of youth. Youth and Maodernisation – The period of youth in
the life cycle – Emotional problems of the Youth – Parent youth confliets – youth unrest.
Youth in the context of Education, Religion and politics – The influence of poverty and
unemployment of youth. The involvement of youth in social services – Role of youth in
National Development and social change.
Problems of urban and rural youth. Alcoholism and drug dependency among youth –
youth and crime – Exploitation of youth for communalism and terrorism – special
problems of female youth – Youth and mass media – Role of youth against the social
National youth policy – National sports policy – youth welfare organization – National
cadet corps – National service scheme – youth hostels and youth clubs – youth
movements – leadership training for youth – promotion of national integration –
Counselling services – training youth in community development programmes – youth
festivals youth camps and youth exchange programmes.
Geriatric Social Work
Unit I
Definition of old age; Old age as a social problem; Roles, power and status of elderlyDemographic perspectives on aging population ; Gerontology ; Theories of aging
;dimensions of aging. Changing status of the aged in Indian society.
Unit II
Problems of the elderly; Health of elderly, Longevity and physical health, mental and
emotional health, ill health, disabilities and care giving, sexuality in old age, spirituality
in old age, health intervention. Review of health policies for the disabled and their
implementation with references to elderly.
Unit III
Elderly and Livelihood; Work participation of elderly in the organized and unorganized
sectors. Economic situation of elderly. Age related policies and laws for
education,employment, retirement, social security and pensions. Intervention needs.
National policy for elderly, institutional and non institutional care in day care and mobile
media care units.
Unit IV
Laws affecting elderly policy and plans for elderly, Issues of division of property,housing
and social security. Issues of neglect, abuse and abandonment, review of laws for
inheritance and protection from abuse. Intervention needs.
Unit V
Developmental programmes for ageing. Geriatric services in India; Social work with the
Aged; Gerentophenotime – an aging reversal agent; National and International agencies
for aged welfare.
Unit –I
Women in Nature – Status of Women through the ages – Women in India – Women’s
dual role in family and Society – Patriarchal Structure in India – Changing Status of
Women . Women empowerment & its various Dimensions – Social,
educational,economical & political.
Unit –II
Different types of violence against women: Domestic violence, Sexual violence, Social
violence, Psychological violence, Economic violence. Women harassment : Types,
reasons and solutions, Socio – political movements addressing the issues concerning
women – past & present.
Unit –III
Rural women – their problems – Role of education in the development of rural
women.Women and Health – Health Statistics – Material health services – nutrition and
sanitation – family welfare.
Unit –IV
Women Welfare – concept & Definition – Women’s commission– State & Central level
Women Welfare organizations – State and Central level. Women Welfare programmes –
State & Central level. Role of NGO’s in Women Welfare.
Unit –V
Laws related to women- constitutional guarantees – Women & Human Rights – Need for
legal literacy of Women . Role of a Social Worker in social campaigning – Advocacy –
Networking – Skill in applying Transactional analysis to minimize the problems related
to Women.

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