Course Overview
MSc – Bio Technology
Biochemistry and Biomolecules
Molecular Genetics
Molecular Cell Biology
Microbiology and Microbial Bio-process technology
Practical I – (A) Biochemistry
Practical I – (B) Molecular Cell Biology
Practical I – (C) Molecular Genetics
Practical I – (D) Microbiology
Plant Biotechnology
Genetic Engineering
Practical II – (A) Plant Biotechnology
Practical II – (B) Genetic Engineering
Tissue Engineering
Enzyme technology
Principles of gene manipulation technology
Paper-11 Core: Genomics and proteomics
Paper-12 Core: Immunology & Immunotechnology
Paper-13 Core: Practical III Immunology & Immunotechnology
Paper-14 Core: a Elective: Biophysics, Biostatistics, and computer applications
Paper-14b Elective: Nanobiotechnology
Paper-15 Extra-disciplinary: Introduction to fermentation Biotechnology
Paper-16 Core: Environmental biotechnology
Paper-17 Elective: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Paper-18 Elective: Bioethics, IPR, Human rights and social issues
Paper-19 Projects Dissertation and Viva Voce
Paper-20 Project Works